
標題: Is this a 'up lv game'? [打印本頁]

作者: victorngai7    時間: 29-4-2011 09:45
標題: Is this a 'up lv game'?
I hope it is not,
coz i have played many 'up lv games'
and i dont like them.
Any one who has the same feeling of me?
作者: 暗o0    時間: 29-4-2011 12:25
every game is up lv if not up lv game what can we play how can we use a rare weapon?
翻譯XD: 每一個game都係升lv 如果唔係升lv game 咁我地玩咩咁我地又點用好令裝備呢?
if you want to play not up lv game go to play single game then no need to up lv just as shooting game
如果你想玩唔係升lv game 咁咪去玩單機game咯 唔洗你升lv 有d 槍game

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